Wednesday, November 22, 2006

some of my work / and Museum Opal

the opal is called pinapple opal.The photo doesn't do it justice,it is beautiful. It is at Melbourne Museum.


Kerry said...

Wow...what a collection you have now! I recognise nearly all of those gorgeous gems you have created. I think you should buy a display unit to show your work off!

Anonymous said...

Very neat collection. My Mum was in a gem club too. We used to go fossicking sometimes. My favourite trip was up to Berrigan looking for Tektites and smokey quartz. I was looking for the tektites, which was hard cos it looks like sheep poo - in a paddock of sheep- and was crankey as I only found a lump of smokey quartz. When I went back to base I learnt that it was an amazingly large and perfect specimen. hehe I best the ppl looking for the quartz coulda killed me!'s now in my fishtank and I think of Mum when I see it.